What has COVID -19 done to our Business establishments, Houses, Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Restaurants, Hotels, Shops, and Malls?
People across the World had been speeding and living an extremely competitive world full of technology, progressively constructing a jungle of buildings at the cost of nature, prior to the COVI-19 Era. However, with the outbreak of COVID-19, life has changed for all… people and the Business establishments, Houses, Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Restaurants, Hotels, Shops and Malls. It has changed all of us. Changed our way of commuting, meeting, everything …everything inside us and around us.
There is a lot of literature on what to do and what not to do in COVID-19 and we don’t intend to discuss the same here.
Our purpose is to highlight what has happened to our business establishments, Houses, Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Restaurants, Hotels, Shops, and Malls while we were focusing on COVID-19 all this time.
Well …. Pests like rats and rodents, termites, cockroaches, birds, stored product insects, fleas and ticks have increased and have had a party time in our premises of Business establishments, Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Restaurants, Hotels, Shops, hospitals, food processing plants, manufacturing plants, warehouses, education, offices, and residential accommodation and Malls.
The pest like rats and rodents and termites would have not only increased their population as the pest control services had been on hold due to the lockdown but also would have damaged your papers, furniture, stored products and also blocked your pipes and damaged the electrical fittings.
The increase in pests shall cause health and reputational damage in addition to financial loss. In view of this scenario, one must be prepared for the post lockdown scenario.
DO’s of Post Lockdown scenario:
- Ensure that sanitization and disinfection is done for your entire premises before opening up the place for all. The sanitization and disinfection should continue to be done in the premises on a regular basis until it is declared that the World is free from COVID-19.
- Ensure that pest control for all pests is done before the place is opened for all and later may be done on a need basis.
Call RPA Pest Control Services on 8318145337 / 7827144714 for Sanitization Services and Disinfection Services and also Pest Control Services.